Designer Collection: Sweet Candy Pastel Mixed Hyacinths - Pack of 8 Bulbs

Product ref: BR20850

Availability: Out of stock

Hyacinths are an old favourite that are much loved for their beautiful flowers and powerful fragrance. Perfect in the garden and patio planters or simply for seasonal home dĚŠecor - with these you don't need potpourri or air freshener as they'll fill the air with their unmistakable perfume.

Position them in cheerful or contemporary styled pots on windowsills or side tables perhaps for maximum enjoyment. They can of course be planted directly in to the garden too, and will thrive to re-appear every season under trees or at the base of shrubs in a mixed border.

Amazing value, this mix is a carefully curated blend that you can plant together as a group to re-create the lovely combination of colours as pictured. Pack of 8 ready to plant bulbs. 
