Tete a Tete Dwarf Daffodils in Bud & Bloom

Product ref: DEAL76515

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 2.99, today just £1, yes, Just £1!


Didn't have time to plant bulbs in autumn and now wish you had? Want something cheerful for a windowsill indoors whilst the weather is not so nice outside? Then these are the perfect solution!!

Tete a Tete are a special variety of daffodil and an all time favourite variety that is dwarf and compact so great for smaller gardens, tubs, terraces and window boxes. They can even be grown in pots and bought indoors when in bud to add beauty and fragrance to any room. They do really well in areas where the traditional sized daffodils can be too much. Flowering from around the end of February to April and growing 20-35cm, this variety has also been bred to have multiple flowers for a fantastic display - if you planted a hundred pots of these you could quite literally end up with over a thousand flowers - they're that prolific!

Always a favourite, and one of our best sellers, it's not hard to see why. They are bright and cheery, and have even won an award for their beauty and ease of growth from the Royal Horticultural Society - and they should know a thing or two about what makes a good plant!

What could be more adorable in the garden than the these 'Tete a Tete' Daffodils? They are early bloomers and look great in garden borders, rock gardens, patio planter and tubs - even hanging baskets! The long lasting flowers are a golden, buttercup yellow with darker centres and will light up areas which can normally be pretty dull in late winter and early spring. Cutting just a few stems from those growing in the garden to put in a small simple vase can bring joy to an entire room in the house when they're blooming or just bring some sunshine indoors with these pots!

Supplied as a 10.5cm pot crammed full with bulbs supplied in bud and bloom ready to bloom indoors or in the garden!



SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 2.99, today just £1, yes, Just £1!

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