Cytisus scoparius - Golden Scotch Broom
Availability: In stock
WINTER SALE - Usually 14.99, today just 4.99 - Save £10!
Beautiful Scottish Broom will create an Impact at any time of the year where ever you place this beautiful evergreen. Known as Broom to give them their common name these are often grown as colourful shrubs, they are very pretty and have wonderful arching green foliage that is retained all year round. They will light up any position in which they are placed.
In late spring to summer they are covered in masses of highly fragranced, lovely small pea-like flowers, adding to the year round charm. The foliage literally vanishes under a mass of blooms on established specimens, and they will even flower in their first year. Supplied in an approx. 1.5 litre container.
WINTER SALE - Usually 14.99, today just 4.99 - Save £10!
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