Coprosma Evening Glow

Product ref: S26122

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 15.99, today just 7.99 - Save £8!



Coprosma 'Evening Glow' is a highly valued evergreen shrub with vivid, multicoloured eaves. It is aesthetically pleasing. This type is named 'Evening Glow' because of its vibrant pink, orange, and gold leaves that change colour with the seasons. These hues intensify throughout the cooler months.

This low-maintenance, compact shrub is perfect for small gardens, ornamental pots, or mixed borders. It normally reaches a height and spread of around 1 metre. It grows well in full sun or partly shaded areas so that the sun's rays can intensify the colour of its leaves.

Once established, Coprosma 'Evening Glow' may withstand droughts somewhat, though prolonged dry spells are best avoided by giving it regular irrigation.


Supplied in approx. 2 litre pot.



SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 15.99, today just 7.99 - Save £8!

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