Clerodendrum bungei - Glory Flower - LARGE SPECIMEN

Product ref: SP20577

Availability: Out of stock

Clerodendrum bungei is a little known, yet spectacular hardy summer blooming shrub. Flowering over several weeks with thick flower trusses, the buds start red before bursting out in to huge clusters of pink flowers. Not only do these flowers last a long time, but to add to the attraction they appear above deep green foliage that sets them off a treat.

A compact plant that is suitable for a large container as well as the open garden, growing to a height and spread of a metre by a metre if kept pruned this really is one you should try. Will look stunning as a terrace plant in summer or in a prominent border position. Skip pruning and it can become a solid foundation shrub toward the rear of a border where it will reach 150cms+.

Supplied in approx 10 litre containers as well established bushy plants.
