Clematis Little Lemons

Product ref: C20105

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 19.99, today just 12.99 - Save £7!


This stunning Clematis produces bell-shaped yellow flowers that are reminiscent of ‘little lemons’. This is a bushy plant with a compact habit making it perfect to add some luscious greenery in a smaller outdoor space. It has small, bright green leaves that pair beautifully with the yellow of the blooms, which last from late spring all the way to early autumn, giving you plenty of time to enjoy their beauty. Flowers that grow from the terminal buds are followed by adorable fluffy seed heads.

Grow this plant in full sun or partial shade in a sheltered or exposed position. It will grow happily in any type of moist, well-drained soil but avoid acidic soils.

Supplied in approx 3 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 19.99, today just 12.99 - Save £7!

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