Clematis Inspiration

Product ref: C21708

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.99, today just 12.99 - Save £5!

If you are looking for bright summer colour, then this Clematis is the one for you! ‘Inspiration’ is one of the brightest Clematis out there with stunning beaming pink flowers blooming from June to September. It is an extremely versatile half-climbing and clump-forming herbaceous perennial, well suited to growth in containers beds or used as an unusual cut flower!

This is a reliable, adaptable clematis thriving in any soil type and is tolerant to exposed and sheltered gardens. However, it flowers best in full sun and prefers moist but well-drained soil.

Supplied in approx 2 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.99, today just 12.99 - Save £5!

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