Clematis Cragside

Product ref: C23346

Availability: In stock

WINTER SALE - Usually 17.95, today just 12.95 - Save £5!


This gorgeous Clematis can soften any area of your garden that needs some greenery, such as plain fence panels. The flowers this plant produces are a heavenly violet-pink, bell-shaped double flowers which create a stunning display in the spring. The seed heads left over after flowering are also considered attractive. This plant is great for wildlife, attracting butterflies and bees.

This plant will grow in full sun or partial shade in well-drained soil of average moisture. It is deciduous so will lose its leaves in the winter and return as its stunning self in the spring.

Supplied in 2 litre containers.


WINTER SALE - Usually 17.95, today just 12.95 - Save £5!

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