Choisya ternata Apple Blossom - Evergreen Flowering Shrub

Product ref: S25169

Availability: Out of stock

‘Apple Blossom’ is the perfect hybrid, evergreen shrub with an amazing fragrance and long flowering season. The first bi-colour variety of Choisya, boasting beautiful white and pale pink flowers which open in spring from stunning dark pink buds, and fill your garden with a delicate sweet scent. With finer details than other Choisyas, ‘Apple Blossom’ has narrow, finely cut dark green foliage which remains all year round. A slow growing variety, it has an ultimate height of approximately 1.2 metres making it the perfect specimen for the edge of a mixed border or planting on mass to create an informal hedge. 

‘Apple Blossom’ prefers to be placed in full sun but will tolerate partial shade. A versatile shrub it can grow in any soil type or pH but established better in well-drained soil. Make sure to place in a sheltered position away from cold winds.

Supplied in approx. 2-3 litre container.

