Choisya ternata Apple Blossom - LARGE
Availability: Out of stock
This Choisya, often referred to as Mexican Orange Blossom due to the fragrance would usually be expected to have pure white flowers, however Choisya Apple Blossom is the first bi-coloured Choisya with stunning pink and white flowers - reminiscent of the Spring blossom of an Apple Tree - hence the name.
Early in the season pink buds appear, these then open into white flowers. The soft shades of pink and white combined provide a rustic, romantic feel to any garden. Choisya Apple Blossom also provides a beautiful fragrance and is highly attractive to bees, butterflies and people alike!
The fine dark green foliage is retained throughout the year, regardless of the weather, each leaf is cut like filigree giving the plant an almost frothy lace like look. The fine leaves, are certainly even more refined than the well knwon ‘Aztec Pearl’ or 'White Dazzler' varieties, the plants may look delicate, but they are tough and hardy, the unique appearance is simply bewitching.
Overall, it will remain neat and compact in shape making it ideal for a smaller garden or patio planter. Looks great when combined with many other plants are shrubs. The stems of Cornus Midwinter Fire for example look stunning against the backdrop of the dark evergreen foliage in winter for example.
Supplied in approx. 7.5 litre containers.