Camellia William Bartlett

Product ref: S21053

Availability: Out of stock

A handsome tidy evergreen shrub that adds class to any garden and brings much needed floral colour as we come out of the winter months.

The plants have double formed flowers that are light pink but flecked with darker pink appear from March through to April and will be generously distributed about the plants frame growing at the apex of the plants many branches.

This flower is a special treat but let’s not forget the glossy oval leaves which lift any mixed border setting and offsets any lower colourful planting that may surround it.

Alternatively, Camelia can grow in shady conditions and make great understory to larger trees. Camelias will prefer a slightly acidic soil that has plenty of organic matter but if your conditions are not right then one grown in a container, sat on a patio makes for an impressive sight. They will benefit from a foliar feed of Seaweed extract from time to time.

A versatile plant that will happily fit in to a woodland, cottage or formal landscape.

Supplier in approx 1.5 litre containers.
