Camellia japonica Bella Rossa - Dark Red Double Evergreen Camellia

Product ref: S2R005

Availability: Out of stock

This outstanding Japanese Camellia has glossy, dark-green, evergreen leaves, typical of most Camellia's.

Stunning, dark-red double flowers bloom in Spring and cover this large shrub for a number of weeks.

Ideally planted towards the back of a border, this shrub is fantastic for not only providing some much needed structure, but also at giving all-year round colour and providing a lovely foil for other Spring or Summer flowering plants.

Evergreen Camellias such as Bella Rossa can also be grown in patio containers as a striking feature plant. Camellias will do particularly well if you have a moist but well-drained, acidic soil.

Supplied in approx 3 litre containers.
