Calibrachoa Mini Petunia - Can Can

Product ref: PP26167

Availability: Out of stock

A delightful and colourful cultivar, Calibrachoa 'Mini Petunia Can Can' is overflowing with a mix of multicoloured blooms that resemble a frenetic dance of colours. This species is a great choice for hanging baskets, window boxes, and overflowing container edges because of its trailing habit and profuse flowering. From the first spring blossoms to the crisp autumn air, it captivates with its performance, showcasing an ever-changing array of hues and textures.

'Can Can' thrives in full sun but needs regular hydration and well-drained soil, especially if planted in a container. Regular application of a potassium-rich liquid fertiliser is quite beneficial for sustaining its robust development and magnificent blooms. Plants with solid colours work well with 'Can Can' to accentuate its vibrant range of colours.


Supplied in approx. 9cm pot.
