Clematis Rosalyn - Summer Flowering Clematis

Product ref: C76387

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.95, today just 12.95 - Save £5!


Clematis Rosalyn is Brand New and Exclusive variety, with amazingly beautiful upright or slightly nodding flowers up in a rich red-purple colouration. Every flower is double and ruffled, which makes for a stunning display when the plant is in full bloom.

For beautiful colours, extravagance of blooms, and graceful habit, nothing compares with Clematis, the queen of the flowering vines. Whether used on posts or fences, clambering through shrubs and trees, or following wire frames in borders, they will enrich any landscape.

Clematis Rosalyn will reach up to 2 metres tall, with upright stems clothed in pinnate pale green foliage. This is smothered with the beautiful flowers that reach a diameter of up to 4cm from early June to late September. This is not a large flower Clematis type, but that is more than made up by the sheer mass it displays. Why not try it displayed clambering magnificently up through a climbing Rose or a small tree?

Clematis Rosalyn is easy to care for and strong growing, flowering best on new growth, simply prune to 25cms above ground level in March for the best new growth and display. Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.95, today just 12.95 - Save £5!

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