Clematis William Kennett - Early Summer Flowering Clematis

Product ref: C76128

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 16.95, today just 12.95 - Save £4!


Clematis 'William Kennett' is a wonderful deciduous climber. Masses of large, wavy-edged blooms are a deep lavender-blue colour. The petals have a light-red stripe through them when young before it becomes faded by the sun. This variety of Clematis is prone to colour fading in Sun, if you like the two-tone effect it creates plant in full sun, or if not this plant will be fine in part-shade. Plant in moist, well-drained soil. A superb plant for disguising unattractive garden features, or for climbing a fence/wall. Looks great, coupled with climbing roses and scrambling through shrubs.

Supplied in approx. 2-3 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 16.95, today just 12.95 - Save £4!

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