Clematis tangutica Corry - Summer Flowering Clematis

Product ref: C76119

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.95, today just 12.97 - Save £5!


Clematis 'Corry' is a stunning deciduous climber. The dark-green leaves contrast beautifully with the magnificent yellow, nodding blooms. These almost globe-shaped flowers bloom from mid-summer and will last right the way through until the middle of Autumn. Highly attractive, keep moist but well-drained and looks fabulous scrambling through 'fiery' coloured roses and flowering shrubs. Also suitable for a patio container, where this Clematis will be sure to steal the show when in flower!

Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.95, today just 12.97 - Save £5!

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