Clematis texensis Duchess of Albany - Late Summer Flowering Clematis

Product ref: C50020

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.99, today just 12.99 - Save £5!


This lovely climber has beautiful tulip-shaped, deep pink flowers with a reddish-pink stripe from midsummer to autumn and lovely mid-green leaves. All of the late-flowering Clematis texensis varieties such as Duchess of Albany are excellent for clothing a sunny wall, fence, obelisk or archway. They also look particularly lovely when scrambling through small trees. Duchess of Albany can also be used in other novel ways - instead of growing up a structure, it can be used and grown as a groundcover, creating a carpet of upward-facing flowers look particularly lovely. This versatile Clematis will do well in virtually any growing position too, from full sun to partial shade. Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers.


SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 17.99, today just 12.99 - Save £5!

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