Buddleja 'Lo & Behold' Blue Chip - The Worlds First Patio Buddleia

Product ref: S1R006

Availability: In stock

The worlds first, truly dwarf, patio buddleia - Lo & Behold Buddleja Blue Chip. Buddleja Blue Chip is the first in a new generation of the ever popular buddleia butterfly bush, that is truly a dwarf, perpetually flowering and genuinely patio sized plant. The result of painstaking breeding in the U. S. , the plant has undergone extensive trials, including with the RHS here in the UK, and has already proven itself as a unique world first, and looks to be a run away success. Startlingly dwarf, it's not really like a traditional buddleja at all, generally growing wider than high, and reaching around 60cms/2ft tall maximum. Not only that, but blue chip was voted as the 2nd most popular variety of Buddleja with the visiting public at the RHS trial grounds. If you like butterflies, and low maintenance, easy to care for plants, this is one plant you can not do without in your garden. The sweet honey fragrance is also divine, and will fill the summer air in your garden with a delightful scent.

Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers as established flowering sized plants.

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