Buddleja davidii Gulliver

Product ref: S21042

Availability: In stock

A versatile tough little shrub that will grow away in your garden with little fuss. Reaching around one and a half metres in height this Buddleja has lance shaped mid green leaves that form a dense foliage which come the summer provides a back-drop of large thirty centimetre spikes of pinkish Lilac flowers with orange eyes, they have the big bonus of being scented and are adored by pollinators, particularly Butterflies. These flowers will carry their colour right through until the autumn.

These plants are deciduous by nature so offer autumn colour and even the spent dried flower heads can look attractive in winter.

Buddleja are tough plants and tolerate a wide range of soils and aspects, the main tip is to cut back the previous seasons growth in late winter, so the plant produces fresh flowering wood in the upcoming season.

Great plants for a mixed cottage style garden, will look great planted in a small group in a mixed shrub border or planted singly in a small urban setting.

Supplied in approx. 3 litre nursery pots, Gulliver is renowned for it's huge spikes of flowers.

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