Rose Ingrid Bergman

Product ref: BR26566

Availability: Out of stock



Classic hybrid tea rose 'Ingrid Bergman' is prized for its rich, deep crimson blooms that are the epitome of grace and beauty. This rose, named for the renowned actress, has big, nicely shaped blossoms with a velvety texture and a delicate, enticing scent. From early July until the first frosts, it regularly blooms, creating a visually arresting display for any garden.

'Ingrid Bergman' is best suited for rose beds and borders where its dramatic presence can be fully appreciated. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. Its health and robust blooms depend on regular watering and fertilisation with a rose-specific fertiliser. Robust growth can be encouraged by pruning in the late winter or early spring. 


Supplied as Strong Bare Root plants, ready to go straight out in the garden and bloom.