Dahlia Eveline - Ball Dahlia

Product ref: BR11133

Availability: In stock

This Dahlia 'Eveline' has luring beauty with its subtle white and pink flushed petals it is truly superb. The flowers are medium sized and are excellent for making cut flower arrangements. Ball/Pompon type dahlia growing around 70cms tall. A great addition to the herbaceous or mixed border, with a long flowering period 'Eveline' will be sure to add some much needed, late-summer colour.


These are for planting from Mid-Late Spring and is supplied as a single tuber.


To plant them, dig a hole at least 20-30cm square and around 20-30cm deep for each one. Cover the base of the hole with 10cms of compost, or manure and give it a good dousing with a full watering can and then plant the dahlia at a depth of 15cms. You will need a stout stake, not just a bamboo cane, to support each plant and it is a good idea to knock this in first and then place the plant by its side. It will need to be lifted in winter - once the foliage dies back simply dig it up and store in a cool, frost free location

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More Info

The primary intended use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption.

There are thousands of different plant species that can be consumed, and our extensive range is no exception. We have conveniently listed a large number of edible plants here. Additionally, we have compiled several articles and handy recipes for some of the plants you are less likely to find in supermarkets.

We always recommend conducting your own research before consuming any plant to understand the various ways different varieties can be prepared and consumed. Be mindful of potential allergies when trying anything new and ensure it is suitable for all who may be consuming it.

Some plants or varieties can also be cultivated as animal feed for livestock, such as poultry, game, and livestock reared for consumption. Again, we advise doing your own research to select the most appropriate plants for your livestock.

Please note that this plant is sold with VAT charged at 0%. If you are a VAT-registered business, ensure this is properly included in your VAT return.