Asparagus - Vittorio

Product ref: VEG21917

Availability: Out of stock

Growing your own crops of delicious, nutritious asparagus is easy. Considered a Luxury vegetable with a premium price tag in the shops, they're actually easy to grow and with our plants, if you create your own aspargus bed in the garden you could literally be harvesting armfulls of the stuff!

Planting our Asparagus crowns is an excellent long-term way to get started, the plants producing heavy yields year after year. Asparagus plants need nourishment and water but are generally not too fussy when it comes to locations, however, we recommend they are planted in a good quality cultivated soil for best results. Growing asparagus is a long-term yet worthwhile investment and you should expect to see high, healthy yields for up to 20 years once established. Asparagus is tough and well suited to the UK climate.


'Vittorio’ asparagus is as delicious high quality cultivar that can be grown in the normal way for green spears, but it is also favoured for blanching - that is excluding light early in the season by covering the crown with an upturned pot for example - to produce tender white spears. This may sound a bit complicated but is actually really easy, ready for the household chef to work some magic.  It's ncredibly versatile and equally delicious when grilled, stir-fried or roasted, the perfect side dish to any meal. Just choose a sunny, well-sheltered spot with well-draining soil and get stuck in.

More Info

The primary intended use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption.

There are thousands of different plant species that can be consumed, and our extensive range is no exception. We have conveniently listed a large number of edible plants here. Additionally, we have compiled several articles and handy recipes for some of the plants you are less likely to find in supermarkets.

We always recommend conducting your own research before consuming any plant to understand the various ways different varieties can be prepared and consumed. Be mindful of potential allergies when trying anything new and ensure it is suitable for all who may be consuming it.

Some plants or varieties can also be cultivated as animal feed for livestock, such as poultry, game, and livestock reared for consumption. Again, we advise doing your own research to select the most appropriate plants for your livestock.

Please note that this plant is sold with VAT charged at 0%. If you are a VAT-registered business, ensure this is properly included in your VAT return.