Armeria Pseudarmeria Ballerina NEON LILAC - Large flowered Thrift

Product ref: DEAL10010

Availability: In stock

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 5.99, today just 3.99 - Save £2!

This special Armeria has larger, longer-lasting flowers than the more better known Armeria maritima varieties, being a larger more robust plant. Also known as Thrift, Armeria is a low-maintenance plant and always a pleasure to see in Spring as it blooms early, and then continually for a long period.

These evergreen "Ballerina" plants are covered with stems that carry inch pompoms of neon-lilac. They can even be used as fresh or dried cut-flowers, dead heading will promote more continual blooming all summer. Compact and very uniform, it's a good choice for edging as well as the front of the border. Evergreen and adaptable. Supplied in approx. 1 litre containers full of buds and flowers in season.

SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 5.99, today just 3.99 - Save £2!

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