Albizia julibrissin Ombrella - Silk Tree

Product ref: S22919

Availability: In stock

Ombrella is a selected for of Albizia, commonly known as the Silk Tree that originated in France. It will form a  nice deciduous tree with a wide umbrella shaped crown, adding elegance and unique foliage to any garden..

The elegant foliage of delicate appearance, composed of many small leaflets provides a fern like appearance that could even be mistake for a mimosa tree. Ombrella is very free flowering from a young age, all through summer in to early Autumn, with the blooms have a tropical feel to them, formed in clusters of fluffy, vibrant cherry-pink. These flowers also have a lovely sweet summer scent. Long pale brown pods follow these flowers and remain on the plant until winter. 

Albizia will prefer a slightly sheltered position if possible and will thrive in full sun and on free draining, even poor soils, so if you've got a baked sunny spot this could be the perfect choice for your garden. It will form a small tree with a maximum height of four to five metres and spread of three metres, yet can also be kept as a small shrub, or even used as an unusual, striking container specimen too. All in all, a very choice and special plant.

Supplied in approx. 3-5 litre containers.

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