Agapanthus Poppin Purple - Hardy Nile Lily

Product ref: P22163

Availability: Out of stock

Amazing purple flowers of a colour and intensity quite unlike any other purple Agapanthus, this long flowering variety re-blooms through the season.


An alluring evergreen, this perennial will produce an elegant display of dark, purple-black buds that open to reveal starry, violet blooms. The domed flower heads perch neatly upon stiff, upright stems above the slender, arching foliage.


Agapanthus 'Poppin' Purple' is long lasting and repeat blooming, for an extended flowering period. This exciting new variety is quick growing compared to other varieties, with a neat, compact habit it makes a superb border perennial or patio plant reaching a height of around 60cm (2ft).


Supplied in approx 2-3 litre containers.

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