Agapanthus Fireworks - Hardy Bicolour Blue & White Nile Lily

Product ref: P22164

Availability: Out of stock

A new darling in the Agapanthus world, this RHS Chelsea Flower Show Plant of the Year Finalist has literally exploded on to the scene this summer. Accepted as one of the best bicolour Agapanthus, with big blooms and strong contrasting colours, plus more stems per plant than before. The trumpet-shaped blooms form bold, globe-like clusters above strap-shaped foliage all summer. It is ideal as cut flowers, lasting up to 2 weeks in a vase. The seed heads also make wonderful winter features if left or used in arrangements.


A sensational variety of Nile Lily characterised by exuberant flowering with striking, two-tone flowers that turn from blue into clear white - the combination is not only unusual, but stunning, and will stop the casual garden gazer in their tracks.


The combination of the rich flowering and the fresh color gives this Agapanthus a very energetic, cheerful appearance that can be matched by no other. Noted for its compact habit, reaching a modest height of around 80cm, this makes the plant ideal for a container on the balcony, patio or terrace as well as in garden beds and borders.


Agapanthus Fireworks is hardy to -15° Celsius, thrives in baking sun if you've a tricky spot, and does well in well drained soil. Bees and butterflies will be extra busy when they spy this beautiful African Nile lily too.


Strong established plants supplied in approx 3-5 litre containers.
