Agapanthus Black Jack - Chelsea Plant of the Year

Product ref: P24513

Availability: Out of stock

Agapanthus Black Jack - the RHS Chelsea Flower Show plant of the year 2023 - and the plant everyone wants - but no one else has!! That's right, we have these as established larger plants in 2-3 litre containers, that are already of flowering size, in fact, they bloomed this year already and of course looked stunning. We've others selling this size at around £35 each - but that's for delivery next summer once they've grown baby plants on a bit.


Black Jack is a deserving award winner, a stunning and unique plant that is sure to add a touch of elegance to any garden. Near black in bud, the umbels open to reveal deep blue flowers. This plant is a perennial that produces beautiful, blooms with a velvety texture. It is a great choice for gardeners looking to add a touch of colour and texture to their garden whatever the style - jungle, mediteranean or cottage. Plus the flower colour being so intense and unusual will really set your displays apart.


We have also found Agapanthus Black Jack to be extremely long flowering, and repeat blooming too, with plants in our trials displaying flowers over a long season, all through summer, between 90 and 120 days! Agapanthus are fuss free low-maintenance plants, drought tolerant and easy to care for. They will thrive in a bright spot, and do well planted in full sun in well-drained soil. Combine Black Jack Agapanthus with other plants such as lavender, roses, and daisies or vibrant orange tones to really set a dazzling display.


Supplied in approx 5 litre containers.
