Achillea millefolium 'Paprika' - Red Yarrow

Product ref: P21854

Availability: Out of stock

Achillea 'Paprika' is a truly fiery addition to any garden. With bold red flowers and the edge of a hint of yellow, it provides a warm, spicy visual effect. Blooming profusely from early summer into early autumn, 'Paprika' offers a long season of colour that is only the beginning of its multifaceted charm. They are also strong in attracting flowers; hence, they produce a large number of bees and butterflies, which, in return, increase the ecological diversity of the garden. The fern-like leaves are aromatic too, and add some extra interest to an already superb choice of the border or rock garden planting, or an eye-catching part of the cottage garden design. Besides the other feasts for the eyes that it offers, such strength to the plant: it loves full sun and will tolerate poor soil and drought.
