Abutilon hybrida Orange-Red - Flowering Maple - Patio Tree in Bud & Bloom

Product ref: DEAL86650

Availability: Out of stock

Abutilons are fantastic plants with beautiful bell-shaped flowers that hang from slender branches. Known as flowering maples due to the similarity of leaf shapes, the differences stop there.

From May to October the dark green palmate foliage of this long lived shrub is the perfect foil for its jewel-like blooms.

Abutilon plants are ideal for conservatories and perfect in patio containers which can be moved to a frost free position in winter. In mild areas this half hardy shrub may even be grown in sheltered borders outdoors.

It will reach a height of around 1 metre, and is supplied as a nice size with flowers and buds in season in approx. 3-4 litre containers.

These are an exquisit and unusual statement plant to have as a central feature in a roomy patio planter, supplied at around 70-80cms tall on delivery.
